The mission of the Paul Tetar van Elven Museum Foundation is to further interest in, and knowledge of, the 19th century artist Paul Tetar van Elven, as a representative of the academic school of painting, and to preserve his unique house and collection as cultural heritage. Of importance is to let the museum develop with the times, including the use of new media, but also to maintain the authenticity of the museum. Crucial in this is how to keep the public interested in the long term, in a museum such as Paul Tetar van Elven, where the permanent arrangement is fascinating, but also static.
The mission of the museum is to accomplish the following:
Alexandra Oostdijk (part-time).
The museum can only be opened to the public thanks to a team of approximately 50 volunteers. The volunteers guide visitors, run the museum shop and sit on various working groups, such as Preservation & Management, and Publicity. The steering committee also consists of volunteers.
Henk den Boer, chairperson
Tine Abbinga, secretary
Peter Willems, treasurer.
We always need new volunteers. Volunteers receive training before taking up their chosen tasks.
You can contact us by telephone (015 212 4206) or email (
The museum is a Public Benefit Organisation which means that your donation is tax-deductible (if you pay Dutch Income Tax).
Friends of the Museum
The Friends support the work of the museum with a yearly minimum donation of € 25. Both private and business sponsorship is possible, with donations being tax deductible under certain conditions.
Fixed-term donations
If you would like to support us for a longer term you can donate a minimum of € 100 each year for 5 years. There are attractive tax advantages to this form of support. If you contact our treasurer, Mr J. Aarssen (email he can provide you with the necessary information.
You can consider leaving an amount in your will to the museum. There is more information at
Paul Tetar van Elven made the city of Delft his beneficiary in his will, leaving his house and contents to the city. So began the story of this museum more than 100 years ago!
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van 13.00 - 17.00 uur
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